Living in a wheelchair

Living in a wheelchair
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “Living in a wheelchair”

  1. JORDAN6179 says:

    I know her son

  2. rebelnomo says:

    Sorry, I obviously had no idea. I thought you may have been someone who was just being unsympathetic to this woman. But you weren’t and I apologize. I hope you are doing well, and please accept my apology.

  3. babieejae1101 says:

    I am also living with a spinal cord injury. I do commend her for living her life, just like others who also have this injury. I also have been through a lot just like others with my injury. I was in massive accident that left me paralyzed from the waist down, 12 hr back surgery, rods that got infected, MRSA, Osteomyletis, numerous blood transfusions… shall I go on? Do you have a spinal cord injury?

  4. rebelnomo says:

    Yeah, she’s real lucky. That’s easy for you to say. Why do people like you watch these clips and instead of commending her for what she did, you have to minimize it and say she’s lucky? Why can’t you just be happy for her and commend her? She has gone through a lot, and I doubt you have ever done anythiing like it.

  5. Lavaiszia says:

    sorry, not quite what I meant. Not a lot of parents have to and have that much of a conciqence.

  6. hcoptertx says:

    I think most every parent would sacrifice for their kids.

  7. Lavaiszia says:

    probably with all the expenses from the wheelchair and stuff they couldn’t afford it. also, extreme makeover home edition made her a new house- much eaisier for her to get around

  8. Lavaiszia says:

    I think the point is that she sacrificed her self, she could have died, to protect her sons. Not a lot of people do that,

  9. hcoptertx says:

    plenty of dads out there doing it to.  Somehow a man wont make it on a show…sad

  10. TheTexanAtheist says:

    That lucky slut has a hot ass man!

  11. wheelieblind says:

    She probably needs a light vac, thing in my fridge are probably better organized, she needs a fridge with a ice maker thing that cold water can come out of, but I guess it would be hard to adjust to something.

  12. mujinnokoya says:

    How do you know when a cabbage is boiled??

    A: The wheelchair floats to the top

  13. missinn0c3nt says:

    you heartless fuck hope you and your mum end up in a wheelchair!

  14. Fuzzylurrrve says:

    Look at this pathetic cripple trying to fit in with us normal people. She’ll never be normal, always just a dirty retard outcast. Exucute this bitch.

  15. ColinMeloy91 says:

    What a wnoderfgul woman. She helped her children live in sacrifice for her ability to walk. I look up to people like that.

  16. dotmacis says:

    I remember seeing this lady and her family on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. She really deserved the beautiful house she got!!!! :o)

  17. scjesus35 says:

    Ihello i wold just like to say Keep your Head up God Bless you and your kids you are a strong woman and what you dont have on this earth you will have in heaven. i have been in a wheelchair for about 2 months now and at first i was depressed but now i accept it everyday life is full of suprises. dont give up!!!

  18. Sefardisafran says:

    No cries, No “poor me” just the correct adjustment, very inteliggent approach. If you can not defeat condition then learn how to deal WITH IT instead of AGAINST IT!
    Good luck my friend, I use a wheelchair 24/7 due to Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, and MND (not ALS). In solidarity
    Hoboken NJ

  19. dtcLy says:

    realy its hero braavo thanks for add this video

  20. inkorgr says:

    harpo’s ghoste; you suck… my dad is in a chair since the day i was concieved and he wasn’t a hero… the body fails. showcase how she saved her sons, not the BS of tilting the vacume cleaner and not spilling the brita. way to miss the point, you comercial fed sow.

  21. HallwaysOfAlways says:

    suicide is the answer.

  22. babieejae1101 says:

    In my opinion, she is lucky. At least she is still able to breathe and roll around! There are people who are worse off then her!

  23. Turandil says:

    I will not abuse your handicap, for that, you have done so many times yourself.

    Now I’m gonna go bash me a retard.

  24. sweetangelboy says:

    i feel you.. i know living life in a wheelchair is hard.. i’m 40 and i have cerebral palsy. i’ve living on my own since i was 26 and the daily task and chores can be bit overwhelming but i thrive to do them best to my ability. i’m glad that you doing keep order in your life and family spite of the wheelchair. 🙂

  25. monkeyboy8me says:

    she lost me when she has to watch the sun rise

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