Hachiko video with Tunde Bayewu.Dog at work in Belgium.Good cause.

Music by Tunde Bayewu (beautiful song anaesthetic) Ann and her dog from hachiko demonstrate perfectly how they have a good band at home and the dog is happy to do his best. A dog trained by Hachiko helps people to be independent and much more. For more info and if you want to support visit the website www.hachiko.org. You can also add hachiko on facebook and twitter.

2 Responses to “Hachiko video with Tunde Bayewu.Dog at work in Belgium.Good cause.”

  1. Hachikosupport says:

    Ann recently passed away. We all remember her optimistic spirit and beautiful charisma. The dog Ugly worked for Ann with pleasure.

  2. bocafa says:

    Geweldig hé wat hulphonden kunnen en willen doen voor ons!! Ik zou me geen raad weten zonder mijn lieve maatje!

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