Glee-Cap – “Glee, Actually” Christmas Episode 04×10 Recap – Subscribe to ClevverMusic!!! – ClevverMusic Facebook Fan Page! – Follow Us! Our Holiday themed Glee has arrived early! It’s “Glee, Actually”. You’re watching ClevverMusic, here’s your Glee Cap! The episode starts with Glee club member Artie dreaming he can walk and we enter a black and white fantasy land. Rory turns up as his Christmas Guardian Angel, but it’s not all he hopes for: Kurt gets made fun of and the Glee kids are bullies, except there is no Glee club. . Artie sings “Feliz Navidad” to try to prove to nerdy Rachel that Glee club once existed. Artie gets back in his wheelchair to set things right again, realizing the world is better with him holding it down in his chair, which has made him who he is. Back in New York, Rachel heads off on her Holiday cruise with her family and Kurt’s Dad shows up to surprise him but drops a bomb on him: he has prostate cancer. As his Christmas gift, Kurt’s Dad has flown Blaine out to NY to surprise him. They waste no time, and perform their annual Christmas duet together this year choosing “White Christmas”. At McKinley high Puck picks up Jake to take him to California with him for some bro time. Puck is now a screenwriter so he takes Jake to Paramount Pictures studio lot with him and naturally they end up singing “Hannukah Oh Hannukah” on the lot. But it turns out Pucks’ life isn’t what it seems, Pucks actually struggling to make something of himself, shocker. To give Puck a feeling of family, the
Video Rating: 4 / 5

14 Responses to “Glee-Cap – “Glee, Actually” Christmas Episode 04×10 Recap”

  1. Maya Santos O'Keefe says:

    I wish Klaine will get back together but I don’t think they will

  2. Carrat Gold says:

    No Klaine means I will DIE of depression

  3. Akhshay Kumar says:

    no because kurt is gonna go nyada and theres a boy that kurt has a crush on

  4. superturnstone says:

    no more finchel

  5. lilmerloves1D says:

    i hope klaine gets back together aswel as finchel

  6. viktorija lazdiņa says:

    yes they wiil

  7. rowmin says:

    Rory!! <33

  8. Babybelle771 says:


  9. TheKatielovesjb says:

    They better get back together and at the emd they love each other even if they arent together 😀

  10. TheMoonlightghost says:

    YES. They. Will. Be Together. They’re a bigger ship than the titanic. <3 Klaine

  11. GinnyE25 says:

    I love Glee

  12. GinnyE25 says:

    Marley will never replace Rachel.

  13. HadesRacing says:

    Rachel with glasses LOL

  14. bradley8867 says:

    Marley has done a great job replacing Rachel

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