Brandon’s Inspirational life story

Inspirational story about Brandon Sulser a C5-C6 quadriplegic, showing how he has chosen to adapt and live through a paralyzing situation.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

20 Responses to “Brandon’s Inspirational life story”

  1. defnwin says:

    Brandon u r really great,iam C3 Quad. My condition is exactly like you.Your confidence is amazing , iam not having even 10% of confidence which u having,your video is very Motivating for other quad persons .I Hope and if possible i want to talk with u in personal and get motivated by you

  2. jbjindra says:

    This video moved me to tears. Thank you!!

  3. joceeb says:

    Wow. Thanks for the video, Brandon. Very inspirational!

  4. vadile4u says:

    doin gud bro! 🙂
    i learned a lot.

  5. live2dreamdream2live says:

    this is so inspirational, hope you are getting along ok 🙂

  6. neutral999 says:

    Amazing. I envy your determination to live. Rock on bro.

  7. hummingbir6 says:

    great determination my friend.. perhaps on the face of earth on the wheelchair, but in heavens spreading your wings

  8. alexfutbol172011 says:

    brandon you are the man

  9. BoZo85PL says:

    Hey Brandon. I’m a c5/c6 as well and have way less function then you. Keep pushing and stay strong.

  10. jwsarjit says:

    Thank you Brandon for sharing this video. I was moved to tears. God Bless you, Brandon.

  11. jiLLMIkeL says:

    life is easy all we need is looking on it seriously, our weakness is made for us to be strong God made this life simple for us to understand that life is beautiful in silent in peace and living it with HIS AWESOME LOVE!! tnx for this story you are much blessed b’coz you see life much than others! go and move forward the Lord is with you! and HE is always with you! HE already make your life simple through the challenges you are facing! always say i can!! rather than I CAN’T

  12. zorjonicphil says:

    Thank you brandon for sharing and may God Bless you. I was very troubled today and i tried to look for something to inspire me and your video truly moved me.

  13. TheWheelindude says:

    Thank you all for the kinds comments…. still pushing forward!

  14. RBBeachMom1 says:

    All I can say is, God Bless Brandon. Thanks for sharing your life with others.

  15. lacygirl99 says:

    GOD BLESS YOU Brandon, keep up the good work!!!!!! please do more videos and updates, thank you. you are a GREAT INSPIRATION to all !!!!!


    god bless you im glad dat u culd stil try to things like others

  17. jimmy96ify says:

    nice video and good job man 🙂

  18. rmpracht says:

    hey im a c7…….i like how you have manned up using a manual chair and driving a truck……..true grit…….it would be easy to use a power chair and drive a rampvan but you have taken a road that will make you stronger and give you more self esteem…i also admire you admit that you took walking for granted b4……an honest man….keep it up

  19. TheWheelindude says:

    Thanks… the chair comes from Bruno lifts

  20. goretex99 says:

    nice truck! I like the way you can transfer the entire chair without breaking your back! who manufactures that?

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