Benefits of a Lightweight Wheelchair
The lightweight wheelchair is gaining in popularity due to it’s rugged lightweight construction. There are a number of brands to choose from with a variety of options available. Let’s take a closer look at this wheelchair.
Lightweight wheelchairs can come in either a manual or electric configuration but the electric wheelchair is usually considerably heavier due to the powerchair components involved. In either configuration options will be kept to a minimum to help keep the weight down. The most common lightweight wheelchairs are constructed of aluminum due to it’s lightweight properties, the good news is aluminum is still a relatively inexpensive metal so the cost of a lightweight wheelchair can be as little as $200 or as much as $800 depending on the options you choose.
Anyone with a normal amount of upper body strength can benefit from a lightweight wheelchair as they are fairly easy to assemble. Another benefit of the lightweight wheelchair is the ability to maneuver quickly. If you are an active sports enthusiast then you may surprised at how easy it is to play sports such as basketball or tennis. Don’t be fooled by the word lightweight as these chairs are very rugged and solidly built.
When it comes to options there are quite a few to choose from with a lightweight wheelchair. You can choose a folding lightweight wheelchair if you do a fair amount of traveling. Most options are available as an add-on and can be bolted on to your wheelchair easily and stored in the trunk of your car. Your caregiver will benefit too as these lightweight aluminum chairs are very easy to push.
Lightweight, rugged, and easy to assemble. This type of chair should last you for a lifetime and give you the mobility you need to enjoy an active lifestyle!