Smart Knee Brace — Mayo Clinic

Forty years ago Army Staff Sgt. Walt Myers was exposed to the herbicide Agent Orange in Vietnam. Now he suffers profound muscle weakness in his legs. He was facing the possibility of spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. But thanks to a special knee brace developed at Mayo Clinic, Myers is walking […]

On The Road Again, This Time To The Pet Shop

Meeting the challenge of life in a wheelchair, this time we examine how to get around for everyday things. We examine Paratransit in Los Angeles County, look for the one in your area. It’s an ADA requirement that your local bus system offers this for those who cannot use the bus by themselves, or have […]

Tony Robbins Introduction for W Mitchell

As a young man, W Mitchell served as a US Marine and San Francisco cable-car gripman. His life suddenly changed due to two devastating accidents just four years apart: a blazing motorcycle accident and a paralyzing plane crash. Whether coping with devastating burns over 65% of his body or being sentenced to life in a […]

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