I never slept last night (original song – redone)

Redo of “I never slept last night” because I’ve made some lyrical and melodic adjustments. It’s a song about a friend of mine who I used to hang out with a lot. The references during the chorus comes from the last ‘happy’ time I remember when we were out drinking, whereas the verses, and of […]

Oh My Jonas (A Jemi Story) Episode 60 -Story-

-The Next Day Skye Still Isn’t Feeling Very Well But Joe Thinks It’d Be Best To Get The Twins Out Of The House For Some Fresh Air For A While, So Demi Meets Up With Selena, Doug, Tyler & Amy In The Park With Josh & Sean- Selena: *Runs and hugs Demi* Hey! Is Skye […]

MC’s INSATIABLE and KAPRISHUS in “smash your head therapy”

A new, highly violent mental therapy being prescribed by some of the world’s leading parapsychologists. Seriously speaking though, an incredibly relaxing therapy which results in brain cell death on a scale comparable to experiencing a fall down 3 flights of concrete stairs or being boot-fukced by 3 strong men. To be recommended for children under […]

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