Electric Wheelchairs- types and benefits

There is a great variety of Electric Wheelchairs that have been recently introduced with increased power, versatility and convenience to today’s users. They have also been fitted with special gadgets that are unique to each type.  You can now go shopping for these items knowing that there is enough guidance and information to help you […]

Electric Wheelchair Types and Shapes

When you set out to look for a good Electric Wheelchair to purchase, it pays to know that there are very many varieties in the market today. Unless you have been referred by the doctor to buy a given type, you might have to go through a whole lot of catalogs before you make your […]

How to get a Motorized Wheelchair through Medicare

So you’ve decided to start the qualification process for a new motorized wheelchair, what is the process you ask? Glad you asked, here are the steps you’ll need to follow to get Medicare qualified: First make an appointment with your doctors office and tell them you would like to see your physician for a mobility […]

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