TEDxSanAntonio – Eythor Bender – eLEGS Merging Technology & the Human Body

Speaker: Eythor Bender Title of talk: eLEGS: Merging Technology and the Human Body About this talk: Blonde and athletic, Amanda Boxtel will tell you that she — like many other mobility-impaired people — never was meant to be sitting in a wheelchair after a skiing accident left her paralyzed 18 years ago. And so it was with childlike glee that Boxtel squealed: “I’m doing it!” as she walked across the stage of TEDxSanAntonio using eLEGS, an artificial exoskeleton designed for parapalegics by Berkeley Bionics. About Eythor Bender: With extensive global experience in leading medical device, life science and bionic device companies — from concept to commercialization — Berkeley Bionic’s new CEO has a personal passion for technologies that augment mobility. Prior to joining Berkeley Bionics, Eythor was the CEO of Rex Bionics and, before that, spent 13 years in executive management with Ossur, a global leader in the development, manufacturing and distribution of non-invasive orthopedic products: For more information on Bender: HYPERLINK “berkeleybionics.com” http AboutTEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED

9 Responses to “TEDxSanAntonio – Eythor Bender – eLEGS Merging Technology & the Human Body”

  1. Swedish Holmberg says:

    Very interesting, i think it would be great if ELEGS partnered with Sony’s “ASIMO” team and incorporat asimos balancing system somehow into “eLEGS” Lets get a massive infusion of CASH and TECHNOLOGY and make somthing remarkable!!!
    Ron Holmberg T-12 Complete paraplegic 16yrs post injust (car accident @23 yrs age. 38 now. Thank you eLegs. Yes, with asimos balancing system, you CAN get rid of the CRUTCHES!!!

  2. kmistry73 says:

    Seeing Amanda cross the stage was heart stopping. This technology is truly making a difference and I am grateful to have seen it at TedxSanAntonio.

  3. NegativeNick says:

    this is pretty good but they have GOT to get rid of the crutches. Then it will really be great.

  4. KTMsx994 says:

    þetta er sko íslendingur sko!

  5. file83 says:

    Does the eLEGS come with the guy dressed in black who follows you around everywhere?

  6. Hesam0000 says:

    Hurry up guys, make one that can climb hills and walk on rough surfaces without falling before we get old, and please don’t price it $25,000.

  7. Alicia Arenas says:

    Eythor, thank you for coming to San Antonio and showing us this incredible breakthrough. It was a pleasure to meet you!

  8. berkeleybionics says:

    @firecatsue BIG thanks to you and the terrific TEDx San Antonio team for giving us the opportunity to present eLEGS to your audience. We were deeply moved by their reactions and enjoyed everyone’s presentation, too. Can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday or a more interesting assembly.

  9. firecatsue says:

    It was so inspiring to see this live. Amazing story, so glad that biotechnology is making STRIDES in this empowering way.

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